Folktale Week - Rebel
Here’s a story you must know
It takes place in cold, dark land
That none of us would be able to even stand…
One day there was a fancy, fancy fox
Who had come up with a wild, wild thought
“I’ll take the lead and steal what we need
A fire and a flame to feed
To warm all that live here…
“Most certainly and indeed!”
But the fox needed a bit of help
So he let out a loud, loud yelp!
A frog, a bird, a cat, and a dog heard the call
“We’ll have to take the fire and relay
When one tires we’ll pass it away!
We’ll keep it going and run and run
And dance around a fire when we’re all done!”
The fox did what he did best.
The most dangerous part of the quest
Fox snuck right in amongst the monster’s grin
Grabbed the flame and started the race
that they would win.
Fox was pretty fast
but could not really last…
So frog hopped and let out a “RIBBIT!”
Grabbed the flame and did a pivot.
Frog jumped and hopped but grew a bit tired
Out of breath he yelled to bird
And bird did hear the word.
Bird flew right down
Flapping around and around
And took the flame really high above the ground.
The winds were very rough
And the flight was very tough.
Bird squawked and flew
And cat came through
Swiftly she ran away
Carrying the warm brightly lit flame.
Cat purred and meowed
Asking dog to get ready to pounce
“Take the flame and do the same!”
Dog barked and said, “I’ll Do!”
The monster really couldn’t comprehend
How just a few could do what they do
Running around bend after bend.
The monster knew he could not contend.
Fox, Bird, Cat, and Dog
Danced around a flame so tall
While warming the world for all.